Gets current audio device.
Gets available video devices. List of available VideoDevice.
Gets call ID.
Gets call log.
Gets callee.
Gets caller.
Gets current video device.
Gets custom items of this DirectCall instance.
Gets call duration(ms).
Gets end result.
Gets ender.
The UUID form of callId. Useful when dealing with CallKit.
Is ended. True if call is ended. Otherwise, false.
Is local audio enabled. True if local audio is enabled. Otherwise, false.
Indicates whether the local user's screen is being shared. True if the local user's screen is being shared. Otherwise, false.
Is local video enabled. True if local video is enabled. Otherwise, false.
Indicates whether the call is on hold by either a callee or a caller, or by both. True if the DirectCall is on hold. Otherwise, false.
Is ongoing. True if call is ongoing. Otherwise, false.
Is remote audio enabled. True if remote audio is enabled. Otherwise, false.
Is remote video enabled. True if remote video is enabled. Otherwise, false.
Is video call.
Gets local recording status.
Gets local user.
Gets my role.
Gets remote recording status.
Gets remote user.
Gets call startedAt timestamp.
Accepts call.
Add DirectCall listener. supports multiple listeners.
Connects the device audio and Sendbird Calls SDK to stream audio.
Connects the device camera and Sendbird Calls SDK to stream video.
Selects audio device.
Ends the call. DirectCallListener.onEnded will be called after successful ending. This listener will also be called when the remote user ends the call.
Mutes the audio of local user. Will trigger DirectCallListener.onRemoteAudioSettingsChanged method of the remote user. If the remote user changes their audio settings, local user will be notified via same delegate method.
Selects video device. Changes current video device asynchronously.
Starts local video. If the callee changes video settings, the caller is notified via the DirectCallListener.onRemoteVideoSettingsChanged listener.
Stops local video. If the callee changes video settings, the caller is notified via the DirectCallListener.onRemoteVideoSettingsChanged listener.
Toggles the selection between the front and the back camera.
on Android, In case of more than two cameras, the next camera will be selected. If the last camera is already selected, the first one will be selected again.
Unmutes the audio of local user. Will trigger DirectCallListener.onRemoteAudioSettingsChanged method of the remote user. If the remote user changes their audio settings, local user will be notified via same delegate method.
Update local video view.
Update remote video view.
Generated using TypeDoc
Gets available audio devices.